Twin Otter Colours Page 2

by Steve Mackenzie

Twin Otter H4-SIB from Solomon Airlines.

Solomon Airlines

Solomon Airlines operated at least fourTwin Otters (H4-SIA, H4-SIB, H4-SID and H4-FNT) and had three known schemes (two are drawn here).

H4-SIB, Solomon Airlines, 1992. Overall Gloss White (FS 17875). Cheat lines top to bottom are Blue (15180), Yellow (13538) and Green (14187) with the same colours trimming the Black on the engine nacelles. Five White 5-pointed stars on tail. Regos, exhaust areas on wings and tailplanes and deicing boots are all in Gloss Black. Spinners White. Solomon Airlines in Blue (15180). Reference: Flightpath vol 3/2 P.27,29.

H4-SID Solomon Airlines Cairns 1996.

>H4-SID, Solomon Airlines, Cairns 1996. Overall Gloss White (FS 17875). Cheat lines top to bottom are Blue (15180), Yellow (13538) and Green (14187). Solomos flag on fuselage and Pratt & Whitney insignia on engine cowling. Five White 5-pointed stars on tail. Regos, exhaust areas on wings and tailplanes and deicing boots are all in Gloss Black. Spinners polished metal. Solomons in Blue (15180). Reference: above photo.


Talair who operated in PNG were a major operator of Twotters having a fleet of 16 at one stage, and also operated in at least four schemes . I have drawn the most common here, others will hopefully follow in due course. When they went bust in the late 1990s many of their assets were purchased by Sky West from QLD who will be covered in the next part of this series.

P2-RDG, Talair (Papua New Guinea), late 1989. Overall Gloss White (FS 17875). Coloured area on fuselage and tail, wing tips and ends of tailplanes and Talair' titles are Red (11302). Regos (also carried on starboard upper wing). tip of nose, native warrior on tail, fuselage pinstripe, and exhaust areas are Black. Spinners polished natural metal. Note Talair' title and Bird of Paradise flag on forward fuselage (hidden behind engine in side view - see photo). Reference: Flightpath vol 2/2 P.47.

This airframe is actually P2-RDM and is included to show the typical positioning of the last letter above the cockpit

The original article in Vol 11/2-3 and 16/1 included one of the ADF Twotters which were well covered in the last issue 36/1 plus a Aeropelican airframe. I have drawn all the Aeropelican colour scheme variations (there are LOTS of them) and they will appear in a separate issue in future.

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