Modelling the Noorduyn Norseman in Australian Service Part 1 - Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Service P.5

Noorduyn Norseman A71-13 at Tocumwal postwar. This one has the smaller fuselage roundel and different position of the tail flash. These small differences exist between the airframes and one needs to look closely if modelling one. (Neville Parnell)

Noorduyn Norseman A71-10 as it appeared at one stage (see image on P.3). Large fuselage roundel and serial in Med Grey.

Noorduyn Norseman A71-10 at Mt Isa. One can see where the original larger roundel was overpainted, and the serial remarked in a lighter colour (almost White) now. The style is also different to that on A71-4 drawn on the previous page.The fin flash is peeling away here.

Noorduyn Norseman A71-10 of 5 CU at Mt Isa. Olive Drab upper surfaces with Neutral Gray lower. Dark Blue/White roundels in six positions plus fin flashes. Sky Blue codes and serials in a very light Grey.

Noorduyn Norseman A71-14, Vengeance and Anson used by 7 Comms Unit. (Photo AWM P01877.006).

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