Antarctic Austers Page 3

Antarctic Flight, Point Cook, c.1958, Auster AOP.6 A11-201 & DHC-2 Beaver A95-201.

Both images show A11-201 and Beaver A95-201 at Point Cook while being refurbished in Orange paint with 'Kangaroo roundels'.

In Mar 1958 A11-201 was returned to Melbourne with the RAAF Flight contingent on 'Thala Dan' (along with Beaver A95-201) for overhaul. It was given a fresh coat of International Orange paint. The fuselage roundels were marked as 'Kangaroo roundels' (18") which had been adopted by the RAAF by this stage (the wing roundels were unchanged from the 36" 'D type') and the fin flash was smaller than previously at 12" x 12" equally divided in 3 parts. The Black anti-glare panel also had a different shape.

A11-201 at Wilkes Base in 1959.

In Dec 1958 A95-201 was returned to Mawson with the RAAF Flight contingent on 'Thala Dan' (to join A95-202 & 203), and Auster A11-201 went to Wilkes Base which was being taken over from the USA and renamed Casey station on 'Magga Dan' in Jan 1959 (returning in Mar 1959). This was it's last trip down South as the RAAF now had 3 Beavers available. On 30-09-1959 it was aproved for disposal and purchased by Rex Tucker, Winnaleah, Tasmania, who registered it as VH-BED, later as VH-RCT.


The above images are from ANARE sources and all appear to show A11-201 at Wlkes.

On 05-02-1959 A11-201 returned to 'MS Magga Dan' using an Army DUKW amphibious craft, on to which S/Ldr Leckie slid the aircraft on skis from an ice edge near the Wilkes base. On board the 'Magga Dan', the Auster was refitted with floats then stowed above the vessel's No.3 hatch.


For those interested, another batch of images from ANARE sources which show how A11-201 was stowed aboard 'Magga Dan'.

two recommended sources for more info are which lists at least most of the flights that both Austers did
and for a extensive article by John Bennett on the Antarctic Austers and Beavers.

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