3 Sqn RAAF Tomahawk IIBs Page 3

AK476 'Hells Bells'

Sqn Ldr Peter Jeffery of with F.Off Peter Turnbull in Palestine June-1941. Image AWM 008315.

Peter Jeffrey with what is believed to be AK476 'Hells Bells'.

AK516 'Sweepea'

AK516 'Sweepea' with it's distinctive Dupont 72021 spinner is 2nd in this lineup. Thanks to Craig Buzby for the serial identification of 'Sweepea' several years ago.

Once again the distinctive spinner colour can be seen.


AK548 in happier times. Harmonising guns Max Quinton on wing (D.Norrie)

20/8/41 it hit ground while low flying 1 mile east of Estabel while doing a beat-up (bet he was popular with the C.O) Sgt Wal Mailey (402375) being ok.

The original source claimed this was AK526 shot down 11/7/41 by a D520, 20 miles SW Hama when flown by F.Off Frank Fischer. But comparison of the images show this to be clearly AK548.


In the lineup image used to illustrate AK446 'Blackie', the 4th airframe in the line can be seen to have a Boomerang marked on the nose. It was long wondered what the writing was underneath the Boomarang per the above image but it is now known to say 'Boomerang' (apparently some one was not very original at the time...). Unfortunately the serial is not yet known.

Sources - IWM and Coffs Harbour Library mus07-8437a.

Exterior of No. 3 Squadron's mess hall at Rayak. AWM P12424.030.

2 more images of the recovery of a downed Tomahawk. However this not the incident with AK366 as the truck is different. Source D.Norrie and Coffs Harbour Library mus07-8729a.

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