Civil Walrus VH-ALB

The prime point of this set of images is to show detail of the Seagull when it first re-appeared on the civil aircraft register, as VH-ALB. It had what can only be accurately described as a "short but merry" life . . . but was fortunately salvaged and brilliantly restored by the custodians of the Royal Air Force Museum at Hendon, U.K. . . . it is now displayed there under its' original military identity of A2-4.

The colour-key drawing reproduced below formed part of a major article in the I.P.M.S. Australasia's "Newsletter" [No. 20 of June 1969], as did some of the images in the listing below . . . another example of the fine work of Jim Prendergast !

The late John Hopton.

Initial Colour Scheme

-0006a, 23 May 60 , Essendon, Vic, S.Q.Guilderslieve III, whilst at Essendon for certification; detail of "Walrus" cartoon on the port side of the nose.
-0006b, 23 May 60 , Essendon, Vic, S.Q.Guilderslieve III, port-side of main cockpit windows and engine on mountings.
-0007, 23 May 60 , Essendon, Vic, S.Q.Guilderslieve III, the office . . .
-0151, 23 May 60 , Essendon, Vic, S.Q.Guilderslieve III, the bird herself . . . Harry O'Hara, one of the 3 partners [with Peter Gibbes & Tony Whiter] operating VH-ALB.
-0152, 23 May 60 , Essendon, Vic, S.Q.Guilderslieve III, the turquoise fuselage shows off the silver wings and fittings . . . Catalina VH-BRI sitting in the background.
-0075, mid-1960 , Moorabbin, Vic, Bob Dougherty, as previous . . . not quite as ungainly as one might suppose !
-0077, mid-1960 , Moorabbin, Vic, Bob Dougherty, as previous . . . a late afternoon sun shows off the structure of the type.
-0079, mid-1960 , Moorabbin, Vic, Bob Dougherty, not dead sharp . . . but the features of the engine and its' mounting system are clear enough.
-0080, mid-1960 , Moorabbin, Vic, Bob Dougherty, detail of the tailwheel system.
-0081, mid-1960 , Moorabbin, Vic, Bob Dougherty, detail of the "Walrus" cartoon on the starb'd side of the nose.
-0290, c. mid-1960, Camden, N.S.W, Eric Allen, view from the port rear . . . the structure can be clearly seen.
-0294, 08 Oct 1960, Moorabbin, Vic, John Hopton, the turquoise scheme included the vertical tailplane.
-0295a, 08 Oct 1960, Moorabbin, Vic, John Hopton, soft image . . . detail of the "Walrus" cartoon on the port side of the nose.

Modified Initial Colour Scheme

-0300, 25 Feb 62, Moorabbin, Vic, John Hopton, now bearing "Amphibious Air Charters" markings . . . at the Air Show
-0303, 25 Feb 62, Moorabbin, Vic, John Hopton, now bearing "Amphibious Air Charters" markings . . . at the Air Show, taxying out with a load of joy-flighters.
-0213. xx Sep 63, Mackay, Qld, David Eyre, lying derelict at the edge of the aerodrome . . . owned by Barrier Reef Flying Boat Service.

Second Major Colour Scheme

-0214, 12 Feb 67, Camden, N.S.W, John Hopton, now in an all-over silver colour scheme.

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