by Clark Cone
Aberdeen Proving Grounds in the United States tested most captured Axis etc vehicles during and after WW.II to ascertain their performance characteristics for Intelligence purposes. As AFV modellers would be well aware, many of these vehicles (and guns) have been on outside display at the Ground's museum for many years, this being the source for measurement of many of them as references for kits that have been released over the years.
After about 10+ years we have finally run out of Clarke Cone's photos taken at Aberdeen. This is a misc group of images that were on the disk (mostly not actually taken at Aberdeen), while this is the end of Clarke's images, their place will be taken in future issues by Andrew Wetzlich's images that start in this issue (see seperately).
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BMP-2 w Kliver 3.JPG |
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Clark Cone has generously agreed to allow our club members to access these photos for their personal use, and for our club to post them as reference files in our publication 'in Miniature', with appropriate photo credits being acknowledged.
All of these photos on this CD are the copyright of Clark Cone of North Carolina, USA and may not be sold or distributed without his written authorisation.
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