Modelling the Noorduyn Norseman in Australian Service Part 2 - Civilian Service P.4

VH-ASR (ex A71-7)

At the time of writing, no image has been located for VH-ASR which crashed during a forced landing 16 miles South-West of Madang. Aircraft extensively damaged and declared a write-off..


VH-GSF (ex A71-10)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSF, Bankstown, NSW awaiting hopper installation (Greg Banfield)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSF, PNG (Geoff Goodall Collection)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSF, loading superphosphate, c1966 (Ben Dannecker Collection)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSF, refuelling, c1966 (Ben Dannecker Collection)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSF, withdrawn from service, Scone NSW Sep 68 (Geoff Goodall)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSF (ex A71-10), Camden NSW (Allen Seymour)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSF, Belmont, NSW 1964 (David C. Eyre)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSF, Skyservice Aviation, Camden NSW, 1 Mar 69 (water bombing trials) (Greg Banfield)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSF, Skyservice Aviation, Camden NSW 1 Mar 69 (water bombing trials) (Greg Banfield) (2)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSF (

VH-BLM and VH-GSC (ex A71-8)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-BLM, Gibbes Sepik Airways (Bob Neale)

At the time of writing, no image has been located of VH-GSC with Gibbes Sepik Airways or before it crashed with Ansett-MAL on a scheduled flight from Minj to Mendi, PNG.  The aircraft was totally destroyed.

VH-ASS (ex A71-11)

VH-ASS Gibbes Sepik Airways at Wewak PNG, 1956 (Bob Blakely)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-ASS, Bankstown NSW Jan 63 (Rod Adam)

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