Modelling the Noorduyn Norseman in Australian Service Part 2 - Civilian Service P.5

VH-BHG (ex A71-12), VH-GSB, VH-RGH and VH-GSG

Noorduyn Norseman VH-BHG (Eddie Coates Collection)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-BHG (Ben Dannecker)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-BHG, Gibbes Sepik Airways (John Hopton, The Collection)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-BHG, Gibbes Sepik Airways, Tari, Southern Highlands, PNG (Bob Hoard)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSB, Mandated Airlines, PNG (Ben Dannecker Collection)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSB, PNG (Eddie Coates Collection)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-RHG, hopper installation, Bankstown NSW Nov 64 (Greg Banfield)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSG (photographer, location and date unknown) (Aerial Visuals)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSG, crop duster, Scone NSW Dec 67 (Roger McDonald)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSG, skydivers foot rail installed, Camden NSW 1970 (David Carter)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSG, Canadian Ed Flemming's 'Skyservice Aviation' Camden NSW 1968 (Ben Dannecker Collection)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSG, Bankstown NSW Jun 70 (Roger McDonald)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSG, Bankstown NSW early 1973 (Ben Dannecker Collection)

Noorduyn Norseman VH-GSG, Air Research Pty Ltd, mineral survey magnetometer, Camden NSW Aug 71 (Ben Dannecker)

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